Publications, reports and speaking engagements



Speaker: “The Real Role of Local Government in Economic Development; Separating Theories from Practices”, National Economic Development Conference 2016: “Investing in Collaboration”, Economic Development Australia, 5-7 October 2016, Swan Valley, Western Australia

Key note speaker to the Southern African Fertilizer Association Annual Congress in Johannesburg, South Africa, 19 April 2016

Paper presented to the 2016 Australasian Aid Conference, Australia National University, Canberra, 10-11 February 2016: “Resisting the formulaic: measuring the impact of aid on entrepreneurship and development”

Presentation to the East and Southern Africa Fertilizer Platform Conference and Expo on regulatory reform in the fertilizer sector: 24 September 2015, Lusaka, Zambia

Workshop facilitator for the design of the second phase of the Women’s Entrepreneurship Development and Gender Equality (WEDGE) Programme in Africa (Mombasa 2011)

Course convener and lecturer, Innovation and Public Policy, Master of Management in Innovation Studies, Wits Business School, Johannesburg (2011)

Lectured for the Masters of Management in ICT Policy and Regulation at the Graduate School of Public Development Management, University of the Witwatersrand (2010, 2011)

Preparation of training curriculum on ‘Business environment reform for the development of sustainable enterprises’ for the International Labour Organisation (Geneva, Switzerland) and the International Training Centre (Turin, Italy) – a two-week training programme provided at the centre once or twice a year as well as in the field (2008/2009)

Speaker on international best practice in business environment reform at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation Business Enabling Environment retreat in Belgrade, Serbia (2008)

Preparation of training curriculum and presentation of curriculum on ‘Local Business Environment Reform in South Africa’, under the South African–German Strengthening Local Governance Programme (2008)

Commissioned by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva to prepare a training programme on the role of business associations in local economic development (2007)

Programme director for three major international conferences on business environment reform (Cairo 2005, Bangkok 2006, Accra 2007) for the international Donor Committee on Enterprise Development.

Programme director and moderator for the African regional seminar on Making Reforms Work in Johannesburg 2006, sponsored by German technical cooperation (GTZ)

Programme director and moderator for the Asian regional seminar on Making Reforms Work in Manila 2005, sponsored by German technical cooperation (GTZ)

Principal trainer and seminar facilitator for a series of seminars on local economic development conducted in various locations in Namibia for local government councillors, mayors and senior staff (2004, 2005), sponsored by the Urban Trust of Namibia

Presentation on international best practice in the reform of policy and legal frameworks for small enterprise employment; ILO sub-regional meeting, Bangalore, India (2003)

Presentation on small enterprise policies and the business environment to the NEPAD meeting on SME Development, Johannesburg, South Africa (2003)

Key note address on emerging issues in reform of the business environment for small enterprises; Economic Research Forum (Egypt) and the International Development Research Centre (Canada) Workshop on the Enabling Environment for the Private Sector in MENA (Middle East North Africa) Region, in Cairo, Egypt (2003)

Presentation to the international Committee of Donor Agencies for Small Enterprise Development meeting in Turin, Italy, on the role of donor agencies in promoting an enabling environment for small enterprise development (2002)

Principal consultant and lead facilitator for the Prince Albert LEED (Local Economic and Employment Development) Week – a week-long series of participatory community workshops and seminars designed to identify new local development opportunities in the small town of Prince Albert in the Western Province of South Africa (2002)

Presentation of a paper on the policy and legal environment for SME promotion in Beijing, China (2001)

Presentation to two national conferences on the household, individual and small enterprise sector in Viet Nam, organized by the Viet Nam Chamber of Commerce and Industry (2000, 2001)

Presentation of a paper on ‘Best Practice in Youth Enterprise Promotion in Australia’ to an international conference on ‘Youth Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment’, conducted by the OECD in Rome (November 1999)

Facilitated and led a series of workshops with local authorities in Namibia on small business and local economic development (1997)

Presented a paper on national youth policies at the National Youth Summit, Cape Town, South Africa (1997)

Co-facilitator of the Pan-Commonwealth Experts Workshop on National Youth Policy in Chandigarh, India, for the Commonwealth Secretariat (1996)

‘Innovations in Enterprise Development’ Institute of Strategic and International Studies, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (1991)

Other experience with teaching and curriculum development (academic and applied):

Lectured for the Masters of Management in ICT Policy and Regulation at the Graduate School of Public Development Management, University of the Witwatersrand (2010, 2011)

Preparation of training curriculum on ‘Business environment reform for the development of sustainable enterprises’ for the International Labour Organisation (Geneva, Switzerland) and the International Training Centre (Turin, Italy) – a two-week training programme provided at the centre once or twice a year as well as in the field (2008/2009)

Speaker on international best practice in business environment reform at the World Bank and International Finance Corporation Business Enabling Environment retreat in Belgrade, Serbia (2008)

Programme director for three major international conferences on business environment reform (Cairo 2005, Bangkok 2006, Accra 2007) for the international Donor Committee on Enterprise Development,

Preparation of training curriculum and presentation of curriculum on ‘Local Business Environment Reform in South Africa’, under the South African–German Strengthening Local Governance Programme (2008)

Commissioned by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in Geneva to prepare a training programme on the role of business associations in local economic development (2007)

Programme director and moderator for two regional seminars on Making Reforms Work in Johannesburg 2006 and in Manila 2005, sponsored by German technical cooperation (GTZ)

Presenter of training courses held by the International Training Centre in Turin, Italy (each year from 2002 to 2009)

Key note address on emerging issues in reform of the business environment for small enterprises; Economic Research Forum (Egypt) and the International Development Research Centre (Canada) Workshop on the Enabling Environment for the Private Sector in MENA (Middle East North Africa) Region, in Cairo, Egypt (2003)

Preparation of training curriculum and principal trainer for a series of seminars on local economic development conducted in various locations in Namibia for local government councillors, mayors and senior staff (2004, 2005), on behalf of the Urban Trust of Namibia

Preparation of a training curriculum on reforming the business environment for small enterprise development for the International Training Centre in Turin, Italy (2003)

Development of a training and resource package for workers assisting the development of community enterprises in Namibia: funded by Oxfam UK and Ireland (1993)

Main lecturer in a post-graduate diploma programme course entitled “Responding to Unemployment” within the Career Education Diploma Programme at the Edith Cowan University in Western Australia (1989) – this included preparation of curriculum, preparation and presentation of lectures and tutorials, and the setting and marking assignments.

Presentation on international best practice in the reform of policy and legal frameworks for small enterprise employment; ILO sub-regional meeting, Bangalore, India (2003)

Presentation on small enterprise policies and the business environment to the NEPAD meeting on SME Development, Johannesburg, South Africa (2003)

Presentation of a paper on ‘Best Practice in Youth Enterprise Promotion in Australia’ to an international conference on ‘Youth Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment’, conducted by the OECD Paris, (Rome 1999)